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Categories: Digital News

Things We Hear Which Aren’t True

SEO is done.

It’s probably not to be totally honest – it’s like utilities on a house. You don’t just do it once. You don’t cook one meal and it lasts you for the year or even…. life. You don’t clean once, and it is done forever (sadly). SEO will need to be looked after on a regular basis to ensure the very best result. Organic traffic is the lifeblood of a website and so to neglect the importance of good SEO is short-sighted.

Both your business and Google grow, expand and change. If you don’t move with this constant flow, you will be left behind. If you make a change to the site or your product offering you will have to meet the criteria required for search engines.

If traffic can’t find you, then what is the point in the site at all?

I’ll get lots of hits on Insta, Google isn’t important.

You can’t bypass Google. Even if you do, that will limit the scaling of your business to such a degree that you will forever remain in little league. Most people’s browsers open in Google and so you must pay the piper. If you generate traffic and/or sales via Insta that’s great, but people may not click there and then and try to return via a Google search. Your site not being perfected for search engines will result in narrowing your earning potential hugely. To go viral or even have your product stand out over the thousands and thousands out there is a tall order and just saying it will happen doesn’t mean it will.

Social Organic is how I intend to generate profit

If your site has no domain, you have no followers, no budget, and no audiences it’s not going to happen. Even if you have been running for some time, what is the strategy to increase your followers and audience? Remember how many social interactions you see daily and decide how you will compel people to get involved. What your business finds fascinating may not resonate and inevitably research and data are key in making social organic a success. This takes time – months not weeks in some cases.

There is no quick fix, free cash cow online and if you aren’t playing by the rules your competitors will be and are rewarded for doing so.

This is a newsworthy story

It’s so easy to get caught in our day-to-day work bubble, but the truth of the matter is whilst you are excited about your IIP the nation is unlikely to be. Publications receive pitch after pitch and so your story needs to stand out. That is why stories that are skewed with a sales bias rarely do as well as ones that cover a less specific goal. It is very likely that most of us are not PR experts so leave this to those that know how to get coverage, who to contact, and what is likely to get a bite. So often we see press releases changed to align with companies’ internal goals, but this only dilutes the message if it gets past the journalist at all.

We are building Amazon, Sky, Rightmove, or Facebook

Don’t rush into this in short! Before you start, you need to ask the following things:

Do you have the time you need to undertake a task this big?
Do you have a team that works with you to achieve this goal?
Do you have the budget to rival those players?
Can you do it better?

Digitally if you are using the same keywords as the larger players then you WILL be competing with them. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but it’s worth remembering that if a ‘habit’ is ingrained in the mind of your traffic you will have some ground to cover to change it.

If you are looking for a house, then Rightmove scrapes many of the listings available online. Therefore, it’s highly likely Google will serve you Rightmove when typing in search queries such as ‘’houses to buy in XYZ’’. Rightmove has the domain authority and is seen as ‘highly relevant’ in the eyes of Google for this search term. A new site starts with no Domain Authority, and it will take time to build this up. Traffic hardly ever visits page 2 of the search results let alone 3, 4, or 5.

There is no substitute for experience and engaging a digital partner when undertaking any of the above will aid you on your journey.

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